Take Another Look at Rails (or Try It for the First Time)

As a seasoned software engineer, I've had the privilege of working with various programming languages and frameworks over the years. But, despite the allure of newer technologies, I always find myself coming back to Ruby on Rails. This framework has a special something that makes it a pleasure to use. When combined with Ruby, the language, it's a winning combination that's hard to beat.

Ruby on Rails has been around since 2004. And yes, in the world of software development, that's an eternity. But, unlike some aging technologies, Rails has only gotten better with time. The framework's coherence is one of its most significant advantages, with a clear and logical structure that makes it easy to navigate. From the moment you start building, you'll appreciate the attention to detail and the care that's gone into crafting the Rails ecosystem.

It's Robust

Today, Rails is more robust, efficient, and scalable than ever. One of the most common criticisms leveled against Rails is that it's not scalable. However, this claim is largely unfounded today. Unless you're building a Facebook-sized behemoth, Rails can handle the load with ease. In fact, many successful companies have built their applications on Rails, and they're doing just fine. Ruby on Rails is trusted by some of the biggest names in the industry, such as GitHub, Airbnb, and Shopify. As the world's leading e-commerce platform, Shopify's success is a testament to Rails' scalability and reliability, with around 20-30% of all eCommerce websites worldwide relying on the framework.

In my own experience working with Rails, I've had the opportunity to work on scaling applications and can attest to its ability to handle high traffic and large user bases. You don't need a plethora of microservices to build a scalable application; Rails can handle it.

Yes, There's New Tech

Hotwire, a technology that allows for server-side rendering and client-side updates, has been a game-changer for Rails. Initially introduced as Turbolinks, Hotwire has undergone significant transformations and is now a more comprehensive and integrated technology. Today, Turbolinks is part of Hotwire, rebranded as Turbo, and offers even more features and improvements. Hotwire also includes Stimulus, a JavaScript framework that makes it easy to add interactivity to your web applications. Stimulus is designed to work seamlessly with Turbo, allowing you to build dynamic, interactive interfaces with ease.

Together, Turbo and Stimulus offer a powerful combination that can replace React in many cases. With Turbo, you get fast, seamless page loads and navigation, while Stimulus adds interactivity and dynamic functionality to your application. This means you can build fast, responsive, and engaging user experiences without the overhead of a heavy JavaScript framework like React.

Give it another try!

Ruby on Rails may not be the newest kid on the block, but it's a technology that has aged like a fine wine. With its maturity, stability, and innovative features like Hotwire and Turbo, it's a framework that continues to delight developers and power some of the world's most significant applications. Also, the rumors of Rails' demise are greatly exaggerated - a sold-out Rails World 2024 conference is all the proof you need.

If you haven't already, give Rails a try. If you did in the past, take it for a spin again. I promise you won't be disappointed!